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Did you know you can now SUBSCRIBE to our digital issues? Click here to find out more.
This month’s packed edition includes:
- Attitude Adjustment - We explore the reasons why Seth Rollins had to turn heel and why WWE was less resistant to the move than it has been for others.
- Alternative Year-End Awards offering a different take on the best, worst and wildest stories, events and happenings of 2019
- The WrestleTalk Women's 50 - ranking the best female wrestlers on the planet
- Decade in Review - A look back at a fascinating 10 years in wrestling
- WWE TLC was a good night for the promotion's bad guys but it left a sour taste in the mouths of many fans
- AEW and MLW star Jimmy Havoc speaks with WTM in an exclusive interview
- We bring you the inside story on Triple H vs UK indies, Edge's in-ring return, WWE firings and suspensions and much more in our extensive news section.
- Our retro section looks at WWF Royal Rumble 1990, Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe, Coliseum Home Video classics, This Month in History and the Monday Night Wars.
- All this and our regular features including Ask WrestleTalk, Hot & Not, Around the Circuit, Ask Matches We Would Like to See Again, Don’t You Dare Be Sour quotes of the month and reviews.
- And our television section – covering WWE, NXT, NXT UK, MLW, AEW, Impact and NWA Powerrr
So buy the most interactive professional wrestling magazine available today and the only one you can purchase every month on the UK’s high street shelves
And don’t forget that wherever you live in the world, you can subscribe and never miss an issue!
Did you know you can now SUBSCRIBE to our digital issues? Click here to find out more.
This month’s packed edition includes:
- Attitude Adjustment - We explore the reasons why Seth Rollins had to turn heel and why WWE was less resistant to the move than it has been for others.
- Alternative Year-End Awards offering a different take on the best, worst and wildest stories, events and happenings of 2019
- The WrestleTalk Women's 50 - ranking the best female wrestlers on the planet
- Decade in Review - A look back at a fascinating 10 years in wrestling
- WWE TLC was a good night for the promotion's bad guys but it left a sour taste in the mouths of many fans
- AEW and MLW star Jimmy Havoc speaks with WTM in an exclusive interview
- We bring you the inside story on Triple H vs UK indies, Edge's in-ring return, WWE firings and suspensions and much more in our extensive news section.
- Our retro section looks at WWF Royal Rumble 1990, Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe, Coliseum Home Video classics, This Month in History and the Monday Night Wars.
- All this and our regular features including Ask WrestleTalk, Hot & Not, Around the Circuit, Ask Matches We Would Like to See Again, Don’t You Dare Be Sour quotes of the month and reviews.
- And our television section – covering WWE, NXT, NXT UK, MLW, AEW, Impact and NWA Powerrr
So buy the most interactive professional wrestling magazine available today and the only one you can purchase every month on the UK’s high street shelves
And don’t forget that wherever you live in the world, you can subscribe and never miss an issue!