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Battle Lines have been drawn in the most exciting period in professional wrestling for almost two decades and this month’s WrestleTalk Magazine gets right to the heart of the Wednesday Night Wars!
Issue 12 takes an in-depth look at the fight for ratings supremacy between WWE’s third brand NXT and All Elite Wrestling – as illustrated by our fantastic collectors’ edition-style front cover showing NXT’s Adam Cole and Matt Riddle on one side, and AEW’s Cody and Pac on the other.
Also in this issue:
- In a major feature called The NXT Step, we rate the performance of every single major main roster call-up from the NXT brand since its inception to find out who from developmental has been a hit on Raw and SmackDown – and who has been a miss.
- Our editor James Dixon gets inside the head of the WWE Chairman himself Vince McMahon to ask if wrestling’s most powerful figure is really a genius – or a flawed one?
- Findlay Martin breaks down The Art of Commentary to explain how wrestling announcers have evolved through the ages
- Greg Lambert explains why Clash of Champions was a good night for WWE’s rebels like Sasha Banks
- Can the right wrestling gear boost a career? A quirky take on why it’s important to be dressed for success in WWE
- A nostalgic look-back on the heyday of Fantasy Wrestling play-by-mail games
- In our latest Brit Chat, we speak to Pro-Wrestling EVE’s married couple team of promoters Dann and Emily Read in a hard-hitting interview covering topics such as mental health, sexism and homophobia in wrestling, and how EVE has evolved into one of the leading all-female promotions in the world
- A review of WWE King of the Ring including a controversial take on what King Corbin’s royal future might hold
- A positive look at five reasons to be cheerful about WWE’s much-maligned TV product
- Classic Matches revisits the infamous CM Punk vs John Cena Money in the Bank epic, Wrestling Rivalries chronicles the high-flying history of The Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian, we pick the Top Ten most iconic moments in ECW, and we also look back at a memorable King of the Ring tournament from days of yore.
- Regular features return with Hot & Not, Reviews, Around The Circuit, Ask WrestleTalk, Matches We Would Like To See Again, Say What?, Don't You Dare Be Sour quotes of the month, Looking At and This Month In History.
- Our new and improved television section covers Raw, SmackDown, NXT, NXT UK and MLW.
- All this and much much more in the most interactive pro wrestling magazine available today and the only one you can buy every month on the high street shelves in the UK!
- And don’t forget you can also subscribe and never miss an issue!
Did you know you can now SUBSCRIBE to our digital issues? Click here to find out more.
Battle Lines have been drawn in the most exciting period in professional wrestling for almost two decades and this month’s WrestleTalk Magazine gets right to the heart of the Wednesday Night Wars!
Issue 12 takes an in-depth look at the fight for ratings supremacy between WWE’s third brand NXT and All Elite Wrestling – as illustrated by our fantastic collectors’ edition-style front cover showing NXT’s Adam Cole and Matt Riddle on one side, and AEW’s Cody and Pac on the other.
Also in this issue:
- In a major feature called The NXT Step, we rate the performance of every single major main roster call-up from the NXT brand since its inception to find out who from developmental has been a hit on Raw and SmackDown – and who has been a miss.
- Our editor James Dixon gets inside the head of the WWE Chairman himself Vince McMahon to ask if wrestling’s most powerful figure is really a genius – or a flawed one?
- Findlay Martin breaks down The Art of Commentary to explain how wrestling announcers have evolved through the ages
- Greg Lambert explains why Clash of Champions was a good night for WWE’s rebels like Sasha Banks
- Can the right wrestling gear boost a career? A quirky take on why it’s important to be dressed for success in WWE
- A nostalgic look-back on the heyday of Fantasy Wrestling play-by-mail games
- In our latest Brit Chat, we speak to Pro-Wrestling EVE’s married couple team of promoters Dann and Emily Read in a hard-hitting interview covering topics such as mental health, sexism and homophobia in wrestling, and how EVE has evolved into one of the leading all-female promotions in the world
- A review of WWE King of the Ring including a controversial take on what King Corbin’s royal future might hold
- A positive look at five reasons to be cheerful about WWE’s much-maligned TV product
- Classic Matches revisits the infamous CM Punk vs John Cena Money in the Bank epic, Wrestling Rivalries chronicles the high-flying history of The Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian, we pick the Top Ten most iconic moments in ECW, and we also look back at a memorable King of the Ring tournament from days of yore.
- Regular features return with Hot & Not, Reviews, Around The Circuit, Ask WrestleTalk, Matches We Would Like To See Again, Say What?, Don't You Dare Be Sour quotes of the month, Looking At and This Month In History.
- Our new and improved television section covers Raw, SmackDown, NXT, NXT UK and MLW.
- All this and much much more in the most interactive pro wrestling magazine available today and the only one you can buy every month on the high street shelves in the UK!
- And don’t forget you can also subscribe and never miss an issue!